April Lennon DayNot too surprisingly, April 1 and John Lennon met in the news on several occasions.
On April 1, 1970, John and Yoko announced they were both having sex change operations. No indication of how many reporters took them seriously before the April Fools Day joke was discovered.
In a different kind of foolishness, more classical in terms of the court jester tradition, John and Yoko announced on April 1, 1973, the formation of a new nation, which they called Nutopia. Nutopia had no laws and no borders. It's national anthem was silence.
There were two April 1s of a different nature involving John Lennon and his father, Freddie Lennon, who had abandoned his family when John was a baby. John and Freddie met again for the first time on April 1, 1964. They didn't see each other much after that. And on April 1, 1976, Freddie Lennon died.